We Offer a Range
of Services to Meet
Your Needs
Our growth and success comes from our persistent execution of holding our core values above all else in every project we build.
Blasting Rock & Excavation
We fracture rocks so that these can be excavated for construction. This process is completed by discharging explosives in a confined manner or confined in a borehole.
Erosion & Sediment Control
Includes installation and elimination of temporary and permanent land erosion barriers to prevent the release of soil materials from construction sites into roads, state waters, or neighboring properties.
Underground Detention Systems
We install a wide variety of detention systems for your projects specific needs.
Air Curtan Destructors
We rent air curtain destructors. Don’t hesitate to call for our rates.
Clearing & Demolition
Excavation and Grading cannot begin until Land Clearing and Demolition have been completed, so efficiency and a watchful eye toward the project schedule are critical.
Grading & Excavation
Includes hauling, placement, moisture conditioning, compaction and grading of dirt materials to meet designed elevations and contours for new structures and other improvements.
Storm Drain
Includes HDPE, CMP, and RCP Piping. Water Quality Unit Installation, Retention Pond Installation.
Sanitary & Water Utilities
Includes Jack and Bore, Main Line, Laterals, Outfall Line, Forced Main & Lift Station, Domestic Line, Directional Drill, Fire Line, Backflow Preventer Installation and Testing, Water and Fire Vault Installation, Water Tap Installations and Repairs.
GPS and 3D Modeling Technology
Floyd S. Lee Grading uses the latest technology in 3D digital terrain modeling to make our earthmoving process more cost-effective. ​
The 3D Layout Rovers perform quality checks, monitor daily progress, and review design information in the field. Our 3D machine control allows us to meet the most stringent accuracy requirements on the project site while optimizing efficiency at every level of our operation.​
Value Add
Design Build

We provide design and value engineering for clients that want to maximize their investment through efficient design and improved land utilization.